July 24-28, 2005

Hilton Philadelphia/Cherry Hill

Philadelphia, USA

General Chair
Agostino G. Bruzzone
MISS Genoa

Program Chair
Edward Williams

Steve Branch

Student Papers
Peter Kropf
University of Montreal 

Ling Rothrock
Penn State University

Gabriel Wainer
Carleton University

Steering Committee Chair
Mohammad S. Obaidat
Monmouth University
Sponsored by
The Society for Modeling and Simulation International
P.O. Box 17900
San Diego, CA
Tel: 858-277-3888
Fax: 858-277-3930
E-mail: scs@scs.org
Call For Papers

2005 Summer Computer Simulation Conference
SCSC 2005

July 24-28, 2005

Hilton Philadelphia/Cherry Hill

Philadelphia, USA

Sponsored by:
The Society for Modeling & Simulation International (SCS) 

July 24-28, 2005 - Hilton Philadelphia/Cherry Hill - Philadelphia, USA

The Summer Computer Simulation Conference is focusing on Innovative Technologies for Simulation this year. Modeling and Simulation is a very critical area for supporting Research and Development as well as competitiveness worldwide; new technologies are enabling new use of M&S and increasing its impact in new areas; SCSC provides an International Forum for presenting the State of the Art in the International Simulation Community as well as the Effectiveness of Simulation Experiences in World Businesses. Several topical perspectives will serve to illuminate the evolution of the modeling and simulation community. All submissions will be reviewed based on the draft full paper and/or extended abstract.

The SCSC2005 Student Workshop, devoted to PhD Students, Master Students and Undergraduates willing to submit a paper to be presented during SCSC2005, enables students to attend the workshop and get a SCSC2005 CD copy including the whole Conference Proceedings with a very special registration fee ($55 USD, Student ID and Professor Check Required). The Student Workshop speakers will compete for the Best SCSC2005 Student Paper Award (in SCSC2003 Montreal and in SCSC2004 it included checques for 1,000USD and over for each winner provided by The AEgis Technologies and AIMS). All the accepted student papers will be included in SCSC2005 CD-Proceedings, but are keep separate from SCSC2005 hardcopy proceedings, while regular papers are both included in SCSC2005 hardcopy and CD Proceedings.

The Conference Committee will choose also the best SCSC2005 papers for awards; these awards will include consideration of those papers for possible publication in a special issue of an International Journal.

The list of topics includes (but is not limited to):

M&S Technologies
M&S Applications
Industry and Business Practice
  •  Distributed Interactive Simulation 
  •  Experimental Design 
  •  Experiential Digital Media 
  •  Fuzzy Logic
  •  High Level Architecture 
  •  Human Behavior Representation Techniques 
  •  Human Factors 
  •  Methodology 
  •  Modeling and Simulation Languages 
  •  Modeling and Simulation System Architecture 
  •  Parallel and Distributed Modeling and Simulation 
  •  Real Time Systems M&S Technology 
  •  Simulation Life-Cycle Evolution 
  •  Simulation Software Engineering 
  •  System Dynamics Representation 
  •  Virtual Reality 
  •  Virtual Environments 
  •  Visualization, Graphics and Animation 
  •  Web-based Architectures and Implementation
  •  Adaptive Systems 
  •  Agent Directed Simulation 
  •  Artificial Life 
  •  Artificial Neural Networks
  •  Bioinformatics 
  •  Business Intelligence 
  •  Data Fusion
  •  Knowledge Management 
  •  Knowledge Based Expert Systems 
  •  New Product Development 
  •  Complexity, Complex Systems 
  •  Ecological and Environmental Systems 
  •  Electro-Mechanical Systems 
  •  Electro-Optics 
  •  Geophysical Systems 
  •  Manufacturing 
  •  Marine Applications 
  •  Materials Modeling and Simulation 
  •  Military Systems 
  •  Queueing Systems 
  •  Robotics and Autonomous Systems 
  •  Synthetic Environment Representation 
  •  System Dynamics 
  •  Training Simulators 
  •  Transportation and Traffic
  •  Collaboration Environments 
  •  Simulation-based Acquisition 
  •  Economics of Modeling and Simulation 
  •  Education of the Modeling and Simulation Professional 
  •  Future of Modeling and Simulation 
  •  Information Systems 
  •  Infrastructure Planning and Design 
  •  Influences of Communications and Media 
  •  Logistics 
  •  Management Science 
  •  Process Engineering 
  •  Scheduling 
  •  Standards 
  •  Verification, Validation, and Accreditation 




Extended abstracts (4-6 pages), full draft papers or other proposals should be submitted for the review process as a PDF file to the site http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/scsc by March 15, 2005. Each extended abstract must include the title, authors, affiliations, addresses, references and summary (4-6 pages) for proper positioning in the conference. Only original papers, written in English, which have not been published previously elsewhere will be accepted. Please indicate which conference topic is most appropriate, listing first and second choices. Notifications of acceptance status will be sent on April 12, 2005.

Please note that in case of acceptance  your final manuscript will need to be submitted electronically as a PDF file to the site http://scs.proceedingscentral.com/ by May 26, 2005 to guarantee inclusion in the conference CD and final program. Authors of accepted papers are expected to attend the conference, present their work to their peers, transfer copyright, and pay a conference registration fee at the time their camera-ready paper is submitted. Please check the proposed tutorials for registering in the SCSC2005 Tutorial List.

Important Dates

Full Draft Paper /  Extended Abstracts Due


March 15, 2005

Preliminary Notification of Acceptance :

May 2, 2005

Final Camera-Ready Submission Due


May 23, 2005

For submissions and contributions to a specific Track please contact directly the Track Chair or Submit the Paper through the Web Site

Tracks & Workshops
Agent Directed Simulation T. Ören, MISS - Ottawa Center, ON Canada - oren@site.uottawa.ca
L. Yilmaz, Auburn University, USA - yilmaz@eng.auburn.edu
Applications in Management, Planning & Forecasting M. Massei, Liophant Simulation - marina.massei@liophant.org
P. Broas, VTT, Finland - pertti.broas@vtt.fi
Bioinformatic/Biology I.Barjis, The New York City College of Technology, USA- ibarjis@citytech.cuny.edu
Business & Industry M. Brandolini, BRB Studio, Italy - matteo.brandolini@brbstudio.com
P. Elfrey, NASA, USA - priscilla.r.elfrey@nasa.gov
Education A. Javor, Budapest Univ. of Technology and Economics, Hungary - javor@eik.bme.hu
Homeland Security M&S R. Lutz, J.Hopkins University, USA - robert.lutz@jhuapl.edu
J. Uzdzinski, Lockheed Martin, USA - joseph.e.uzdzinski@lmco.com
Lean Simulation Workshop S. Saetta, University of Perugia, Italy - stefano.saetta@unipg.it
Life & Environmental Science Simulation Ronald Mersky, Widener University, USA - solid.waste@widener.edu
Maritime Simulation T.Altiok, Rutgers University, USA- altiok@rci.rutgers.edu
A.Haghani, University of Mariland, USA - haghani@umd.edu
M&S Methodology & Tools F. Barros, University of Coimbra, Portugal - barros@dei.uc.pt
R. Huntsinger, MISS UC Chico, USA - drralph@windstorm.stormnet.com
Military Application & Simulation J.H. "Drew" Hamilton, Auburn University, USA- hamilton@eng.auburn.edu
Raymond Hill, Wright State University,USA - ray.hill@wright.edu
On-Line Simulation Workshop C. Frydman, LSIS, France - claudia.frydman@lsis.org
S. Viazzo, DIP, Italy - viazzo@itim.unige.it
Optimization of Logistic Systems Through Simulation A. Guasch, University Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain - aguasch@iri.upc.es
M.A. Piera, University Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain - miquel@sunaut.uab.es
Production & Manufacturing E. Williams, University of Michigan, USA- williame@engin.umd.umich.edu
Science & Technology S. Simeoni, Liophant - simone.simeoni@liophant.org
R. McGraw, RAM, CA USA - mcgraw@ramlabs.com
Standards Workshop P. Gravitz, Aegis, USA - pgravitz@aegistg.com
Stochastic Processes of Dynamical Systems A. El Hami, INSA Rouen, France - aelhami@insa-rouen.fr
A. El Moudni, UTBM, France - aelmoudn@pop.utbm.fr
Student Workshop P. Kropf, University of Montreal, Canada - kropf@iro.umontreal.ca
L. Rothrock, Penn State University, USA - lrothroc@psu.edu
G.Wainer, Carleton University, USA - gwainer@sce.carleton.ca
Transportation Workshop M. Itmi, PSI-MISS, INSA Rouen, France - mhamed.itmi@insa-rouen.fr
E. Radwan, UCF, FL USA - aeradwan@mail.ucf.edu
F. Wieland, MITRE, USA - fwieland@mitre.org
M. Zarrillo, University of Massachussets, USA - mzarrillo@umassd.edu
Verification Validation & Accreditation S. Youngblood, DMSO, USA - smyoung@dmso.mil
Virtual Reality, Visualization and Simulation A. Zini, Cetena Fincantieri, Italy - aldo.zini@cetena.it
C.L.N. dos Santos UFRJ/COPPE/PEC/LAMCE, Brasil - carlos@lamce.ufrj.br

International Program Committee

T.Altiok, Rutgers University, USA - altiok@rci.rutgers.edu
V. Amico, UCF, USA - amico@cs.ucf.edu
I.Barjis, The New York City College of Technology, USA- ibarjis@citytech.cuny.edu
F. Barros, University of Coimbra, Portugal - barros@dei.uc.pt
G.Benvenuto, DINAV, Italy- benvenuto@dinav.unige.it
L. Birta, MISS University of Ottawa, ON Canada - lbirta@csi.UOttawa.ca
M. Brandolini, BRB Studio, Italy - matteo.brandolini@brbstudio.com
C .Briano, Liophant Simulation Club, Italy - chiara.briano@liophant.org
P. Broas, VTT, Finland - pertti.broas@vtt.fi
A.G. Bruzzone MISS Genoa Italy - agostino@itim.unige.it
J. Couretas, Lockheed Martin, USA - j.m.couretas@lmco.com
G. Cunha, LAMCE UFRJ, Brazil - gerson@lamce.ufrj.br
C.L.N. dos Santos UFRJ/COPPE/PEC, Brazil - carlos@lamce.ufrj.br
P. Elfrey, NASA, USA - priscilla.r.elfrey@nasa.gov
A. Elkamel, Waterloo University, Canada - elkamel@cape.uw.ca
C. Frydman, COSI Marseille, France - claudia.frydman@lsis.org
N. Giambiasi, LSIS, France - norbert.giambiasi@lsis.org
P. Gravitz, Aegis, USA - pgravitz@aegistg.com
A. Guasch, University Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain - aguasch@iri.upc.es
Ali Haghani, University of Maryland, USA - haghani@umd.edu
J.A. Hamilton, Auburn University, USA - hamilton@eng.auburn.edu
R.Hill, Wright State University, USA - ray.hill@wright.edu
V. Hlupic, Brunel University, UK - vlatka.hlupic@brunel.ac.uk
R. Huntsinger, MISS UC Chico, USA - drralph@windstorm.stormnet.com
M. Itmi, PSI-MISS, INSA Rouen, France - mhamed.itmi@insa-rouen.fr
A. Javor, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary - javor@eik.bme.hu
P. Kropf, University of Montreal, Canada - kropf@iro.umontreal.ca
R. Lutz, J.Hopkins University, USA - robert.lutz@jhuapl.edu
M. Massei, MISS Perugia - marina.massei@liophant.org
R. McGraw, RAM, CA USA - rmcgraw@ramlabs.com
M. Mollaghasemi, UCF, USA - mollagha@mail.ucf.edu
R. Mosca, DIP, Italy - roberto@itim.unige.it
T. Ören, MISS - Ottawa Center, ON Canada - oren@site.uottawa.ca
M.A. Piera, University Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain - miquel@sunaut.uab.es
H. Pranevicius, Kaunas University, Lithuania - hepran@if.ktu.lt
H.Qiao, NIST, USA - helen.qiao@gmail.com
E. Radwan, UCF, FL USA - aeradwan@mail.ucf.edu
C. Roberts, Arizona State University, USA - chell.roberts@asu.edu
L. Rothrock, Penn State University, USA - lrothroc@psu.edu
Sarjoughian, ASU, USA - hessam.Sarjoughian@asu.edu
S. Saetta, University of Perugia, Italy - stefano.saetta@unipg.it
B. Schroer University of Alabama, USA - schoerb@uah.edu
S. Simeoni, Liophant Simulation - simone.simeoni@liophant.org
R. Signorile, Boston College, USA - signoril@bc.edu
R. Strini, EBS, USA - bob.strini@ebs-inc.org
S. Swenson, NUWC Navy, USA - sjswenson@ieee.org
H. Szczerbicka, Unviersity of Hannover, German - hsz@sim.uni-hannover.de
H. Unger, University of Rostock, Germany - hunger@informatik.uni-rostock.de
J. Uzdzinski, Lockheed Martin, USA - joseph.e.uzdzinski@lmco.com
G. Wainer, Carleton University, Canada - gwainer@sce.carleton.ca
J. Wallace, Envoy Technologies, CA USA - jwallace@envoytek.com
F. Wieland, MITRE, USA - fwieland@mitre.org
E. Williams, University of Michigan, USA - williame@engin.umd.umich.edu
L. Yilmaz, Auburn University, USA - yilmaz@eng.auburn.edu
S. Youngblood, DMSO, USA - smyoung@dmso.mil
M. Zarrillo, University of Massachussets, USA - mzarrillo@umassd.edu
A. Zini, Cetena Fincantieri, Italy - aldo.zini@cetena.it

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