SCSC2003 Abstract S6970

Web Integrated Logistics Design: an HLA Framework for Supplying Negotiation

Web Integrated Logistics Design: an HLA Framework for Supplying Negotiation

Submitting Author: Prof. Agostino Bruzzone

One of the major issues in Supply Chain Management and in Distributed Production Management is related to the various interactions between the various partners. Such subject was,
traditionally, addressed to the Game Theory in order to be solved. By this approach some interesting result have been obtained in the past, therefore the principal limitation of such approach is the a priori static framework in which the problem is formulated, while the reality correspond to a dynamic environment. The proposed paper focuses its attention to the
integration of modelling techniques and High Level Architecture (HLA) with Nash Equilibrium Theory. This is devoted to study dynamically the complex interaction phenomena of the
various Supply Chain actors; particularly the Authors present and discuss the integration of a Logistic Vector in a Distributed HLA Simulation as well as the implementation of a
complete set of negotiation rules between the actors (HLA federates). The modelling and Simulation issues as well as learned lessons are presented and summarised.

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