SCSC2003 Abstract S7151

Driving Simulators Application to Left Turn Gap Acceptance

Driving Simulators Application to Left Turn Gap Acceptance

Submitting Author: Dr. Essam Radwan

This paper documents the experimental design of testing and measuring gap acceptance of traffic turning left from a stopped control approach (Minor Road) at a non-signalized intersection. The main goal of this experiment is to test the feasibility of simulating conditions and turning maneuvers in a simulated environment using a driving simulator housed in the Center for Advanced Systems Simulation (CATSS). The experiment included the selection of the appropriate scenario within the provided database and generating the traffic stream that would produce gaps in the traffic stream of the major road of varying sizes. The experiment included subjects of different gender and age. It also incorporated two speed limits on the major road.

The use of a modern advanced driving simulator for human factors research has many advantages over similar real world or on-road driving research. These advantages include experimental control, efficiency, expense, safety, and ease of data collection. This simulator experiment is intended to analyze the sight distance and critical gap acceptances for left turners from the minor road at a stop controlled intersection.

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