Industrial USA 1

NCS, Orlando, FL USA

March 24 - April 11, 2003

The IEPAL Industrial Module organized by Priscilla Elfrey (NCS) involved several USA Companies and Projects, operating in modelling in Orlando, including:
NCS Tech Committee StudyGuido Boero (I), Doreen Leibeig (G), Virgile Ricciardi (F)

NCS and CAMBER "Effector"Project/IEPAL business Oliver Duchrow (G), Claudia Cabalinni (I)
Dynamics Research Corporation
Dynamics Research CorporationProject on Ontology in DAML of DARPA Armine Hamri (F), Matteo Sanguinetti (I), Elisabeth Sperl (G)
Internet Science and Technology FairProject on Feasibility Analysis of European application of HiTech Development Programs Valentina Barcucci (I), Heike Jacobeit (G), Karine Andrien (F)
Productivity Apex IncorporatedWeb Site Project Jens Trautman (G), Gerard Kassapian (F)
ASTC2003Advanced Simulation Technology Confernce Attendance sponsored byVince Amico, Priscilla Elfrey, Bill Waite All
Simulation Interoperability Standards OrganizationSimulation Interoperability Workshop Attendance sponsored by Vince Amico, Priscilla Elfrey, Bill Waite All
AEgisCompany TourAll

The European Students was involved in PROJECTS in these Companies and Institutions.
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