An atomistic model for diffusion limited etching: Brownian and deterministic effects in nanosurfaces formation A.P. Reverberi**, A.G. Bruzzone*, L. Maga**, M. Massei*** **DICheP - University of Genoa - via Opera Pia 15, 16145 Genova (ITALY) *DIPEM - University of Genoa - via Opera Pia 15, 16145 Genova (ITALY) ***Liophant Simulation - via Molinero 1, 17100 Savona (ITALY) Abstract In this paper, a Montecarlo simulation of a diffusion-limited surface deconstruction is presented in three dimensions. The process takes into account the presence of an external field by means of a tuning parameter that matches the role of the Brownian and deterministic components of the etchant particle motion. The time trend of the surface hull variance is analysed for several solid substrate dimensions and for two different values of the tuning parameter governing the etchant particle trajectory. Finally, the results are discussed and compared with the analytic ones related to surface growth dynamics. 1. Introduction In the last few years, the research devoted to the study of surface morphology and characterization has attracted an increasing interest. We refer in particular to growth and etching processes, with a marked prevalence of the first topic to the second one. An excellent reference text concerning interface growth dynamics is the book of Stanley and Barabàsi [1], an we refer the reader to the references quoted there. Many atomistic models have been proposed [2] in order to investigate the role of simple geometrical rules on the time evolution of a growing substrate, and the relevant Montecarlo simulations led to a wide scenario of scaling laws. By the way, a classical approach generally adopted in interface characterization relies upon the study of the standard deviation of surface sites according to the well known Family-Vicsek criterion, that is: ) ( ) , ( z L t f L t L w a = (1) with b u u f ® ) ( for u®0 and . ) ( const u f ® for u®¥. The exponents a and b, defined as static (spatial) and temporal (dynamic) scaling parameters, have been used to define several universality classes of non-equilibrium phenomena. A different, though complementary, approach is based on a continuum modelling where the height h(x,t) of a general surface site of spatial coordinate x at time t is subject to the following stochastic differential equation [3]: ( ) ) , ( ,.... ) ( , ) ( , , , 2 2 2 4 2 t x h h h h h g t h h + Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ = ¶ ¶ (2) where h(x,t) is a space and time uncorrelated gaussian noise according to: ) ( ) ( 2 ) 2 ( ) 1 ( 2 1 2 1 t t x x D - - >= < d d h h (3) The form of the operator g containing the spatial derivative of the height h(x,t) allow to establish a link between the formalism described by eq. (1) and the aforementioned continuum approach. In particular, the presence of the h 2 Ñ term accounts for surface relaxation and annealing which have been firstly investigated in random deposition with restructuring (RDR) [4]. Besides, the fourth-order dependence on surface height proved to be a useful approach to model diffusion in kink sites according to the Wolf- Villain scheme [5]. Other intriguing phenomenologies were further investigated after the pioneering work of Kardar-Parisi- Zhang leading to the following anisotropic growth equation [6]: ) , ( ) ( 2 2 t x h b h a t h h + Ñ + Ñ = ¶ ¶ (4) .....